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Staff Guzman Times

Health law to medical studies of newborns

Posted: sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010 by Guzman Times in

In January of two thousand, the one hundred congress of the United States of America approved a new health law. The law to be medical studies to newborns. The Public Health Service Act (42 USC 300B-8) was changed.
The health law to medical studies of newborns, it was created to prevent or confirmed heritable disorders. Also with the aim of promoting resources to improve health conditions in the hospitals, and thus provides better service to patients.
In this law is has been spent more of five millions of dollars to the year. But all spent is necessary to prevent abnormalities in the Children. The heritable disorders can produce many expenses. Because the nation prefers promote these programs.
In the point of view of us, we believe that is a good idea, because at the moment there is many problems of health related with genetic disorders and declassified sicks. The government of United States has worried to improve the health services, carrying out actions to give a better quality of live.
We have discussed, that actions will be goods in our country, although in Mexico these problems are less frequent. In our country the health problems are related with the feeding and the bad health services. In Mexico could be a great idea change any laws of the IMSS. But the unions of workers make difficult the changes of the health laws.
In United States may be worry in your future more that in Mexico, they have worried in coming up future health problems in them population. The studies in the newborns could anticipate a big health problem. These one could be detect many sicks and abnormalities in the newborns. May be perhaps until these anomalies to be corrected.
Retaking the main subject, may be it seems something, to talk of studios of hereditary problems, and even more than a government worries for that reason. But in theses times is important to try to prevent unnecessary expenses of the public recourses.
These actions, not only try to prevent expenses, also it try to prevent a bad quality of life in the population. And with this avoid malaises with the people. After all, one of the tasks of the government is to make all possible sp that’s people alive good.
These measures, bring saving in the long term. Bringing about a greater advantage of the public recourses. The governments should to advantage this laws, so that’s bring great benefits to the population.
Then are good this laws? Or they are not necessary? May be this subject is matter to debate. Could us be to think that perhaps they a unnecessary expenses, but also could us be to think, that it is something very important.
We have alrealy concluded the subject, in fact there is no much to say, and only continue speaking takes us to digress

Guzman Times Staff

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